
Named Lahja Unisex Dressing Gown (Beginner)

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Sizes: XS – XXL

The Lahja dressing gown is a casually straight-cut unisex garment. The Finnish word ‘lahja’ means ‘gift’ and, as the name suggests, these dressing gowns are a great gift either for your friend or yourself! There are two versions; a shorter knee-length gown with cropped sleeves, and a longer version that extends to midleg and has full-length sleeves. Both variations feature large patch pockets and a belt fastening.

Choose a non-stretch fabric. Depending on the desired look, choose a coarse fabric, for example natural linen, terry cloth, or honeycomb fabric or, for a lighter version, pick a drapey rayon or satin. The sample garments are made from stonewashed linen.

Matrials & supplies:

  • Short: Fusible interfacing, 125 cm (1 3/8 yd)
  • Long: Fusible interfacing, 155 cm (1 6/8 yd)

Note that for patterned or napped fabrics the fabric requirement may be higher.

Pattern properties:
All seam allowances are included

Printed pattern: 2 large-scale pattern sheets & instructions booklet 
